Basic concept is: lowest possible environmental and optical footprint of the building [in the logic of sustainable architecture], while the user enjoys maximum experience and views...
moreIn 2012, as participant in the team of the writers of NOK [the New Building Regulation] I had the chance and honor to write a legal clause that would make possible constructing buildings that do not negate the qualities of the landscape. This type of buildings was named “in‐cave” buildings [υπόσκαφα|hypóskafa], literally “under [the earth] graved”.
The legal clause contains privileges and motives, such as increased Building Ratio and ability to differentiate from morphological rules for buildings that:
‐ are built underneath the surface of the natural soil and when ready, the geometry and the materials of the pre‐existing soil is restored
‐ bear only one facade
‐ do not bear any footprint of construction in their general plan [except for the provisioned ones in the clause, such as skylights].
lowest possible environmental and optical footprint of the building [in the logic of sustainable architecture], while the user enjoys maximum experience and views...
In 2014, I had the honor to participate in the team of architects who took the first two [2] Building Permits for in‐cave houses for the islands of the Aegean Sea [Urban Planning Office of Santorini for 2 permits in Ios island].